Keeping Our Community Safe
A foundational commitment of the YMCA of Central New York is to provide a healthy atmosphere for the growth and development of youth. Child abuse, and the resulting severe effects, are of primary concern to the Y.
Did You Know?
There are 5 types of abuse. We train our staff the importance of identifying the following forms of abuse. Abuse or mistreat to youth in any way, is not tolerated.
a. Physical abuse—hitting, spanking, shaking, slapping, unnecessary restraints, bullying;
b. Verbal abuse— degrading, threatening, cursing, humiliating, isolating, bullying;
c. Sexual abuse— inappropriate touching, exposing oneself, sexually-oriented conversations;
d. Mental abuse—shaming, humiliation, withholding kindness, isolating, bullying, being cruel;
e. Neglect—withholding food, water, shelter, basic care, or appropriate medical attention.